Monday, May 5, 2008

"There are worse things than a broken heart. Like the love that you don't explore."

our favourite hangout place : Cheers

Our favourite cam whore position : Lift to the classroom

lurrbb yUfEnG worxzxz

Let's see. school's been great apart from the lectures & tutorials that I don't understand a shit. oh manz I suck in accounting and org beh. anyway anyway anyway! I went for the dance auditions, both mordern dance and hip hop. there were so many who can dance so well!! :( so I guess the probabilty of me getting in is only like 1/10. oh wellios. maybe I should join business studies club and student union. lol.

dumb elearning's due today. research on 3 examples of businesses within the industry related to your diploma that rely heavily upon technology....
too difficult to comprehend!

toms monday! monday's love! coz there's school only from 9-11 am! whooot

right. better get back to my elearning.

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