I'm only done with 3 chapters of econs and 2 of POM........
none of stats, none of BA2 and none of Marketing
Manxxxzzzzxxxxxx give me a break
on a lighter note,
Bestie & Van crashed Tp on friday and attended my boring Accounting lecture. they were happily counting down for the last 8 mins of lecture and almost fainted when I told them that my lecture's 2 hours long hahaha anyway we caught Four Christmas after school. funny talking show. Van & I just couldn't stop laughing when the baby's head got hit against the cupboard (recalling scene haha) Threaded our eyebrows *eyebrows moving up down up down* hehehe & caught up with Cheryl after a thrillionz years:)
Caughted Wildchild few days before. super bimbo I like:D
Watched Snakes On Plane followed up by Nancy Drew on HBO just a few hours ago...
Now I understand why do I always have to burn midnight oil.
god bless.
Time check.
Time for bed.
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