3 more End Sem tests, and 1 interview, I'm done with this sem!!! and laugh at those taking exams after CNY :D evilllllllllll. but we've went through the tough times (just earlier though). Oh did I mention I'm seeing nothing but only C s? I'm so v screwed. lets throw that aside...
OH, I'M GOING TO HONG KONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't wait! I hope no one backs out in the end (Girls, we gotta start planning the itenary soon!) I'm gonna have all the fun in the worldddddd! (sigh) can't wait for post end sem (yay), shisha, bbq, shopping, zouk!!! the (Y) thing to have v happening classmates :)
For now, lets endure endure endure!
Charm and Yokey, just want to say I'm very glad to have you BBs in my life, for the fun times, study times, and for the times heading down to YCK with me (though you BBs stay at another end of Spore)for my driving lessons. Luv you'all deep deep♥♥